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Weder Worte noch Gedanken oder Gefühle können fassen was passiert ist.


Am Freitag den 15. traf es uns alle wie ein Blitz aus heiterem Himmel.

Doch genau dorthin hat Gott sie entführt.


So bleibt uns nur die Hoffnung die Heike selbst vorlebte und aussprach:

Neither words nor thoughts or feelings can understand what happened.


The only thing we have is the hope that Heike lived and breathed and taught.


He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain. All the old ways are gone.


Revelations 21,4


For I am convinced that,

neither death nor life,

neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future,

nor any powers,

neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation,

will be able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Romans 8, 38


We as Family
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